ILC is instrumental in advising clients in international arbitrations under various rules like LCIA, ICC, DIAC, QICCA and DIFC; in cross-border disputes before courts in few countries. ILC has been advising major banks insurance companies, corporate clients and prominent businessmen in resolving high value, complex and cross border disputes relating to private transactions, banking, financial services, construction, engineering and real estate. We have extended significant assistance to our corporate clients in various civil, labor and criminal matters. We liaise with local lawyers to ensure that nitty-gritty of the deal and dispute is communicated with clarity and a proper representation is done in the interests of the client. ILC provides the highest-quality legal representation for complex international commercial arbitrations, international construction arbitrations and investor-state arbitrations, combining excellence, rigor, experience and an outstanding track record with unbeatable value for high-quality international arbitration legal representation in order to offer exceptional value to its clients.
An indicative list of some of the international arbitration where ILC has acted as counsel and co-counsel is set out below:

- Currently involved in DIFC- LCAI (now DIAC) arbitration for a prominent Qatari businessman in a USD 98 million claim. ILC is the co-counsel in this arbitration and the disclosure and enforcement action is being taken in Cayman Islands, Singapore, UAE and India;
- Represented as co-counsel for one of the largest insurance companies in Qatar and successfully defended a USD 20 million guarantee claim made by one of the largest energy and commodity trader in LCAI arbitration dispute seated in London;
- Successfully entered into a settlement in a USD 18 million LCAI arbitration seated in London in a claim made against one of our insurance and reinsurance client in Qatar;
- Co-counsel in successful DIFC arbitration under English law on behalf of Spanish Claimant having business in Qatar against Saudi Respondent manufacturer (amount in dispute USD 15 million);
- Co-counsel in ICC arbitration dispute (seated in Doha) concerning the breach of a sales and purchase agreement with a dispute claim of EUR 3.5 million between a Dubai based claimant company and a Swedish agricultural equipment manufacturer;
- Co-counsel in an ICC arbitration dispute (seated in Doha) with related court measures on behalf of a Spanish company against two European businesses concerning an alternative investment fund; and
- Acted as the external counsel for one of the largest banks in Qatar in representing as a co-counsel for the bank in several arbitration disputes (ICC, LCAI and SIAC) filed for and against the bank over a period of 6(six) years.